Tuesday 5 August 2014

Plundering Rare Items - Consumables and other

Complete the Memorial Album no.17 will reward a General's Cloak, completing MA no.18 will reward the General Robe.

General's Cloak Items:

Freya's drink

2 identical rare fleets here, 1 for the Freya's drink and 1 for Freydis the Unafraid's armour

NPC Name Scandinavian Brigade             
Spawn Area Norwegian Sea
Fleet Formation Battle Pinnace x4
Money 2240
Trade goods Acuavit
Item Fleet 1: Seal of Valkyrie, Freya's drink
Fleet 2:
Francisca, Freydis the Unafraid's armour
Tips rare fleet
Use a small crew ship which is fast also

Loki's goblet

2 identical rare fleets here, 1 for Loki's goblet and 1 for Thorstein the Red's armour

NPC Name Viking
Spawn Area Baltic Sea (Northern most point of the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia)
Fleet Formation Large Galleon
Money 3200
Trade goods Vodka , Gold
Item Fleet 1: Master craftsman's carpentry tools, Thorstein the Red's armour
 Fleet 2: Great Viking, Loki's goblet
Tips Surprise attack only

Thor's thunder

NPC Name Swedish Privateers
Spawn Area Baltic Sea
Fleet Formation Heavy Carrack
Money 2240
Trade goods
Item Seal of Valkyrie, Thor's thinder
Tips Surprise Attack only Attacks high lvl players only

Eshu's chalice

NPC Name Venin Armed Merchant Fleet
Spawn Area Gulf of Guinea
Fleet Formation Battle Galleon x2, Trade Galleon x2
Money 2,560
Trade goodsIvory, Ivory Work
Item Eshu's chalice, Coral Comb
Tips rare fleet: This rare fleet only spawns if there are a number of players in
the Guinea waters it seems. It appears no ammount of NPC sinking will have thisrare fleet appear. Try to have 10 players in the sea. Ask company members or fellow plunderers to come along and sit in the water(green zone)
Found the fleet south of Benin.

Poseidon's jar

NPC Name Creta Pirates
Spawn Area East Mediterranean Sea
Fleet Formation Heavy Galley x3, Large Galley x1
Trade goods
Item Poseidon's jar
Tips rare fleet

Athena's tree

NPC Name Rhodes Pirates
Spawn Area East Mediterranean Sea
Fleet Formation Heavy Gally x2, Large Galley x2
Trade goods
Item Athena's tree
Tips rare fleet

Lion's fang

NPC Name Ottoman turk fleet
Spawn Area Black Sea
Fleet Formation Heavy Gally
Trade goods
Item Lion's fang
Tips Surprise attack only

Pegasus feather

NPC Name Cremian Pirates
Spawn Area Black Sea, north of Trebizond
Fleet Formation Heavy Gally x1, Large Galley x3
Money 2240
Trade goods
Item Pegasus feather 
Tips rare fleet

General Robe Items:

Saraswati's touch

NPC Name Bounty
Spawn Area Central Indian Ocean, east of Diego Garcia farm
Fleet Formation Galleass
Trade goods
Item Saraswati's touch
Tips Surprise Attack only total level 88-90 player

Shiva's arrow

NPC Name Mogul Empire Fleet
Spawn Area Bay of Bengal
Fleet Formation
Money 5200
Trade goods Lamb, Muslin 
Item Soma, Shiva's arrow
Tips Surprise Attack Only Middle - High Lv players only rare surprise attack

Ra's disk

NPC Name Egypt Pirates
Spawn Area Red Sea
Fleet Formation Arabian Galley
Trade goods
Item Ra's disk
Tips Surprise Attack only total level 86-90 players

Djinn's lamp

NPC Name Islamic Dynasty Fleet
Spawn Area Persian Gulf, southeast of Basra
Fleet Formation Galleass
Trade goods
Item Djinn's lamp  
Tips Surprise Attack only

Ankh of Anubis 
3 identical fleets here.

NPC Name Egypt Pirate
Spawn Area Red Sea
Fleet Formation Heavy Galley x4
Money 3200
Trade goods Frankincense
Item Fleet 1: Seal of condemnation, Phoenix (crest)
Fleet 2:
Loud Bomb, Phoenix (figurehead)
Fleet 3:
Loaded explosive, Ankh of Anubis 
Tips rare fleet heavy cannon Black sail with Phoenix crest

Ganesha's protection

NPC Name Mugar Empire Fleet
Spawn Area South Coast of India, south of Ceylon
Fleet Formation Galleass
Trade goods
Item Ganesha's protection 
Tips Surprise attack only high lvl players only

Chac's gourd

NPC Name Bounty
Spawn Area Bermudan waters
Fleet Formation Vasseau
Trade goods
Item Chac's gourd 
Tips Surprise attack only If your total level is not high, this NPC doesn't appear

Tezcatlipoca's mirror

NPC Name Baccania
Spawn Area Gulf of Mexico, north of Veracruz
Fleet Formation Heavy Galleon
Trade goods
Item Tezcatlipoca's mirror 
Tips Surprise attack only
 total level 101-105 player

Other Items:
Ship Engineer's Treasure Chest

NPC Name Disguised Patrol Vessels
Spawn Area Newfoundland Waters
Fleet Formation Heavy Frigate x1, Tri-Deck Galleon x1, Vaisseau x1,
 First Class Vaisseau x2
Trade goods Natal Indigo, Gold
Item Suede, Ship Engineer's Treasure Chest
Tips rare fleet very heavy special cannon fragship is heavy frigate with blue sails

NPC Name Conqueror
Spawn Area Eastern East Asia, northwest or the northen japan landing spot
Fleet Formation 5x Heavy Galleass
Trade goods
Item Ship Engineer's Treasure Chest
Tips rare fleet

Special Ship Paint
NPC Name Bounty
Spawn Area Eastern East Asia
Fleet Formation 2xArmoured Vaisseu, 3x Vaisseau
Trade goods
Item Special Ship Paint
Tips rare fleet


I think there is another fleet for the Special Ship Paint in Newfoundland waters, but I would like to confirm before posting here.


  1. Rare Fleet in Newfoundland waters off then landing area. Drops Soma, Special ship paint. Similar Fleet drops Soma and Fine Fur. Both drop the same trade goods. 4 Heavy Galleons "Coastal Pirates"

  2. Goods are Cranberries and Tobacco
